As an entrepreneur, you must instill a mind-set of unequivocal dedication to your business. You will spend long hours, forgo family and social life, forget to take your vitamins, skip your meals, ignore health appointments, and essentially run aimlessly for days, months, even years to build up a new business.
Instead, you’ll spend focused and strategic hours. You will balance your family and social life. Make a routine of taking your vitamins, and you will plan your meals, so they fit in with your workday. Do not skip health appointments – because if your health fails, so does your business. And you won’t run around erratically because you’ll have a PLAN… a blueprint to refer to and build on. With the right mindset also comes the right planning, and the right execution. It will be worth it – for the autonomy, the result, and to live your dream.
Many entrepreneurs are incredibly busy and known for being workaholics – but they aren’t productive. You may need to devote a lot of time to your business, but if you’re spending your whole life living and breathing it then you’re doing something very wrong. Calls will be returned only when and if you remind your staff, or you do it yourself. Emails get answered as fast as you can type (or dictate) them. New clients only get signed up when you close the deal yourself. Mistakes only get corrected when you yourself spot them and fix them. And your company’s output is only as good as the energy you have on that day. If you went away from your business for a month – what would happen? Three months? Six? Would your clients be getting the same awesome service if you weren’t around for a while?
If you define your self-worth and level of success as an entrepreneur by how busy you are, working 18-hour days, then you didn’t choose the right lifestyle. The goal should be to make yourself the least important person in your business. Hard work is no longer enough. You work hard, you work smart, but the real issue is that you are still “working” inside the business. It’s the owner-operator syndrome that works when it’s a small local business, but the moment you want to scale – you can’t be both anymore. The never-ending list of tasks keeps you busy, but you lose the idea of being free to build your empire. If you want to truly succeed as an empire-building entrepreneur, you must accomplish results daily that matter for you, for your team, and for your overall business. Treat your business as a self-sustaining entity powered by an effective set of systems, not just sheer determination.
An Empire Isn’t Built In a Day. It’s built EVERY day.
First, by taking the time to create systems and processes you will already increase your chances of survival regardless of what stage you are at in your business. Your systems should solve problems before your team even encounters them. Your processes should result in correct work without any questions – not because we don’t want questions, but because everything has been addressed in the processes. This can’t be done overnight, but you have to start somewhere – with a blueprint so your team knows how to start building the empire. You can improve your processes and make tweaks to your blueprint as you go. If you don’t have systems and processes in place, then all you have is blind hope and horseshoes you are relying on.
When building a home, one builder usually doesn’t do it all… they subcontract architects, electricians, plumbers, drywallers, masons – experts in their respective fields. They do so because it saves time trying to figure it out on their own, and ensures the expertise applied secures a well-done job for the buyer. They build their empire!
This means that it is equally important to align your employees to implement the strategic plan. You need their input – it is invaluable. Make sure you have a rockstar team supporting you. But they won’t just come out of nowhere. You have to attract them with the right structure to your business that makes them feel safe and secure, but also motivated and hungry.
To build an empire – your empire – you need to be passionate and savvy, but you also need to be prepared, to work smart, and to be backed by a team that can keep you on the right track as you grow. You need to identify your values and ensure they not only align with your processes but that they are conveyed to your staff, so they have goals and objectives clearly defined. Taking the time to create a business blueprint helps identify what needs to be accomplished when, what resources are needed, and processes to ensure your business stays on track. Having forecasts provides you with a means to compare actual results to forecasted results so you can correct your business strategy as needed. It gives you a map – so you’re not just driving North or West aimlessly hoping to find the ocean.
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